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Stanground Academy

What does our academy look like?

Front Entrance

When you arrive at the academy, this is what you'll see as you enter. Our state-of-the-art building provides the foundation for high-quality academic, vocational and sports facilities. 



Welcome to our reception, where our friendly receptionist will help you. Late students sign in on our screen, and students that are on time go round to their allocated yards. 



Our library is teeming with knowledge, nail-bitting stories and so much more! During your time with us, you can join us in the library at break and lunch time, chill out or complete some homework on the computers. You might even have an English class or two here!


Futures Zone

We want to help you achieve your potential so that you can go on to be active citizens of the future. During your studies, our Careers team will work with you to make you aware of the various career paths that are available to you, and how you can reach them.


Stay tuned for more!



Calm/ Zen Room - SENCo

 We understand the challenges and anxieties students can face, and we can provide them with a calming environment to self-regulate and/or with the help of our SENCo team.